About the Journal

Publication Ethics [download the statement]

Aims and scope

The peer-reviewed online journal Savoirs en Prisme (ISSN: 2260-7838) was born out of questioning the use of concepts elaborated by one discipline then introduced and developed in contact with different fields of research such as cultural studies, visual arts, philosophy, literature, stylistics or linguistics. The distinctions between domains are sometimes quite tenuous and the hallmark of creative research is to break through them. The journal investigates the boundaries between bodies of knowledge, most evident in language and culture, as well as borrowings and conceptual inventions.

The guiding editorial principle of the journal is to create a space for interdisciplinary discussion and transmission through notions relevant for various domains. Its purpose is to embrace a multitude of methodologies and theoretical approaches, to reflect upon conceptual borrowings (travelling concepts, knowledge in movement). Transdisciplinarity is the main goal of the journal : any exploratory endeavour that probes the porousness of disciplines is the focus of our investigations.  In this project the diversity of languages goes hand in hand with the desire to present collaborative works.

Managed today by researchers of several research teams, Savoirs en Prisme was created by two members of the CIRLEP-EA 4299 (Françoise Heitz and Florence Dumora), though it is independent from that research team. From 2017 onwards, the journal will publish two issues per year instead of one.

Publishing policies

Savoirs en Prisme is an open-access electronic journal. All articles, texts and documents are freely accessible online in order to allow unfettered access to the scientific community and civil society. Authors accept to contribute to this mission of public service: they authorise the free-of-charge publishing of their work on the journal’s website for the entire length of their copyright and undertake to hold the journal’s editors harmless from any costs, damages or other claims, as a result of any related lawsuit. Savoirs en Prisme does not charge any author fees.


Submitted Version

Permitted, No Embargo, CC BY-NC-SA, © Copyright Owner Author, conditions: Published source must be acknowledged

Accepted Version

Permitted, No Embargo, CC BY-NC-SA, © Copyright Owner Author, conditions: Published source must be acknowledged

Published Version

Permitted, No Embargo, CC BY-NC-SA, © Copyright Owner Author, conditions: Published source must be acknowledged

Publication Costs

Publication fees: no
Submission fees: no

Submission and selection procedure

Review process: double blind peer review

When responding to calls for papers launched by the journal’s website, the authors submit their proposal as an attachment (.doc or .rtf file) accompanied by a brief biographical note mentioning their institutional affiliation, by sending it to savoirsenprisme@univ-reims.fr and to the editors of the thematic issue. If the proposal is retained, the authors are given several months to write the full text and send it to savoirsenprisme@univ-reims.fr and to the editors of the thematic issue. The article will then undergo a double-blind peer review process realized by at least two French or international experts, chosen by the issue’s editors. Once anonymized the review reports are sent to the article’s author(s). If modifications are necessary, the article may be sent back and forth between author(s) and reviewer(s) via the editor(s) until the potential acceptance of the article. The journal reserves the right to edit accepted manuscripts (e.g. language corrections, reference formatting and layout).

The journal also welcomes spontaneous contributions. In this case, the authors submit their article as an attachment (.doc or .rtf file) accompanied by a brief biographical note mentioning their institutional affiliation, by sending it to savoirsenprisme@univ-reims.fr. The article will then undergo a double-blind peer review process realized by at least two French or international experts, chosen by the journal’s editorial board. Once anonymized the review reports are sent to the article’s author(s). If modifications are necessary, the article may be sent back and forth between author(s) and reviewer(s) via the editor(s) until the potential acceptance of the article. The journal reserves the right to edit accepted manuscripts (e.g. language corrections, reference formatting and layout).

Use licence

This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

© Copyright Owner Author