Le jeu récurrent de la norme et de la transgression dans Erasure de Percival Everett

  • Catherine Chauche Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne


The protagonist and narrator of Percival Everett’s novel Erasure sells his soul to the devil when he accepts that his parody of the Afro-American novel be taken seriously and rewarded by a jury he despises but of which he is one of the members. Right from the start Everett’s narrative unfolds according to the norm/transgression dynamics. This paper shows that the movement that carries this dynamics throughout the whole narrative reproduces the cinetism of the system of the English article – discovered by the French linguist Gustave Guillaume – and that the existential position of a man as rebellious as he is conformist can be grammatically declined according to the potential uses of the substantive « writer ».


Everett, Percival (2001) : Erasure. New York : Faber & Faber.
Gilloz, Anne-Sophie (2006) : Masques et voix/voies dans ‘Erasure’ et ‘Watershed’ de Percival Everett. Mémoire de deuxième année, Master langue et culture étrangères, Parcours anglophone. Université de Reims.
Guillaume, Gustave (1997) : Leçons de linguistique. 5. Québec : Université de Laval & Paris : Klincksieck.
Julien, Claude, Mills, Alice & Tissut, Anne-Laure (2007) : « An interview : May 3rd 2005 ». Reading Percival Everett : European Perspectives. Tours : Presses Universitaires François Rabelais.
Otto, Walter (1969) : Dionysos, le mythe et le culte. Paris : Tel Gallimard.
How to Cite
ChaucheC. “Le Jeu récurrent De La Norme Et De La Transgression Dans Erasure De Percival Everett”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 02, Sept. 2013, pp. 125-42, doi:10.34929/sep.vi02.13.