Lo “insólito” del melodrama mexicano: el ejemplo de Los insólitos peces gato (Claudia Sainte-Luce, 2013)

  • Françoise Heitz Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, CIRLEP EA 4299
Keywords: Generic Codes, Transgression, Humour, Autobiographical Element


This article focuses on the formal features of Mexican movie director Claudia Sainte-Luce’s first film, the analysis of which makes it possible to reinterpret the notion of melodrama: a genre now looked down on, while it was once the object of unparalleled enthusiasm in classic Mexican cinema. Referred to as a “cinema of tears,” melodrama, in this particular case, does not merely play with facile stereotypes borrowed from the Hollywood model, or specific to the Mexican context. After a reminder of the generic codes massively accepted during the golden age of melodrama, this essay considers how, in Sainte-Luce’s film, those codes are transgressed from a social, moral and aesthetic point of view. The article examines the obstacles the female Mexican filmmaker had to face for the casting, which holds a mirror up to a still highly prejudiced society. It analyses the way in which the subtle humour that pervades the film is a way of eschewing pre-established patterns in the treatment of a melodramatic theme (protagonists who are victims, stereotyped dramatic conflicts, final resolution…), while at the same time taking up the challenge of transposing on to the screen a story based on the filmmaker’s autobiography. In The Amazing Catfish, thanks to touches of comedy, the telling of a personal episode succeeds in going beyond the (misleading) tragic pattern that could be perceived at the outset, without the melodramatic form appearing degraded.

How to Cite
HeitzF. “Lo ‘insólito’ Del Melodrama Mexicano: El Ejemplo De Los insólitos Peces Gato (Claudia Sainte-Luce, 2013)”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 06, Oct. 2017, pp. 39-54, doi:10.34929/sep.vi06.146.