Cruce de miradas en el cine mexicano contemporáneo: la adolescencia femenina entre tensión melodramática y efecto trágico

  • Antoine Rodriguez Université de Lille, Centre de Recherches CECILLE
Keywords: Cinema, Melodrama, Mexico, Adolescence, Gender Studies


The purpose of this text is to bring forth an analysis of two contemporary Mexican films whose thematic axis revolves around teenage girls who have all been victims of grave sexual assaults that hinder their construction as social subjects. This analysis is based on both gender studies and melodrama cultural studies. We will first examine some residual melodramatic imagination elements that endure in films in a degraded manner. In the second part, we will analyse the importance of school as a dramatic scenery in the new melodramatic city. Finally, we will reflect on the interpretation issues raised by the type of outlook each film seeks to create.

How to Cite
RodriguezA. “Cruce De Miradas En El Cine Mexicano contemporáneo: La Adolescencia Femenina Entre tensión melodramática Y Efecto trágico”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 06, Oct. 2017, pp. 55-70, doi:10.34929/sep.vi06.147.