Le mot comme stimulant de l’émotion : la perspective de Jean-Marie Guyau

  • Laurent Müller Lycée Saint-Louis, Bar-le-duc
Keywords: Nietzsche, Guyau, Suggestion, Vitalism


Can emotion be expressed through words without sacrificing what is personal about it? Victor Hugo considers emotion to be “always new”; Friedrich Nietzsche believes on his part that there is always a gap between affects and words. Why read, then? Why should anyone write anything, for that matter, if the writer is sentenced to remain misunderstood? Why would he even want to? Jean-Marie Guyau introduces another conception of emotion.  It would be impersonal and eternal in its core. However, the subject exists and is unique; but he is penetrated with powers which are beyond him – affects like ideas or wishes are but vital waves carrying him. Therefore speech is not reduced to betraying emotion. On the contrary, it broadens it, expounds upon it further, and conveys it through suggestion.

How to Cite
MüllerL. “Le Mot Comme Stimulant De l’émotion : La Perspective De Jean-Marie Guyau”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 07, Dec. 2017, pp. 31-40, doi:10.34929/sep.vi07.163.