Émotions par les signes : le lyrisme graphique dans la poésie visuelle de Christian Dotremont et Henri Michaux

  • Emmanuelle Pelard Université du Luxembourg
Keywords: Graphic lyricism, Visual Poetry, Emotion, Christian Dotremont, Henri Michaux


Some kind of visual poetry from the 20th century such as Dotremont’s logograms and Michaux’s ideographic poetry represent emotions in graphic and plastic signs of the painted poem. The graphic manifestation of the lyric subject’s emotions may be named “graphic lyricism”, which is the subjective expression in graphic and plastic elements of the poem, the discourse marks threw graphic components composing the plastic writing of the poem.

How to Cite
PelardE. “Émotions Par Les Signes : Le Lyrisme Graphique Dans La poésie Visuelle De Christian Dotremont Et Henri Michaux”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 07, Dec. 2017, pp. 91-104, doi:10.34929/sep.vi07.167.