Lorsque le texte spatialise : retour sur quelques théories et expériences littéraires à dimension spatialisante

  • Juliette Morel Université de Limoges, Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en histoire, histoire de l’art et musicologie
Keywords: Spatiality, Textuality, Textual Fragmentation, Literary Theory


This article aims at synthesizing several literary theories (developed by French or French-speaking twentieth-century theoreticians like Michel Butor, Gérard Genette, Paul Ricœur, or Edouard Glissant) whose methods and analyses heavily rely on spatiality. The goal of this article is to improve the efficacity of such approaches. In this perspective, I use them to shed light on some literary experiments like textual fragmentation in works by Kateb Yacine, Rachid Boudjedra, Italo Calvino, Georges Perec, Julio Cortazar and Michel Butor.

How to Cite
MorelJ. “Lorsque Le Texte Spatialise : Retour Sur Quelques théories Et expériences littéraires à Dimension Spatialisante”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 08, Dec. 2018, pp. 61-76, doi:10.34929/sep.vi08.182.