The autopoiesis function of the biofeedback loop-based virtual reality artistic experience: what kind of emotional shaping ?

  • Léa Dedola Université Lumière Lyon II
Keywords: Biofeedback loop, Emotions, Interactive Art, Virtual Reality, Autopoïesis, Soma-aesthetics


The autopoiesis function of the biofeedback loop-based virtual reality artistic experience relies on several factors, which are contextual, technological (medium-based) and artistic. We need to describe and analyse this function in order to answer more specifically the following questions: Which artistic uses and practices are worth considering in the realm of biofeedback loop-based interactive media? What to make of the emotional shaping of the self when it is considered through the lens of those particular devices? Especially when the feedback from the other’s or the group’s body activities are sometimes forcibly integrated in the subject’s (individual) phenomenological experience.

How to Cite
DedolaL. “The Autopoiesis Function of the Biofeedback Loop-Based Virtual Reality Artistic Experience: What Kind of Emotional Shaping ?”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 13, June 2021, pp. 137-58, doi:10.34929/sep.vi13.220.