De la destruction du discours amoureux à celle de l’individu : jeux manétiens entre poésies du mal d’amour et scènes du mal de mère

Keywords: Roland Barthes, Eduardo Manet, Lover’s Discourse, Fragment, Intimacy, Somatization, Sadomasochisme, Inanimate, Sexualities, Motherly Love


In the texts of the playwright Eduardo Manet, lover’s discourse is dominated not only by the parodistic fragment but also by a progressive systematic and individual destruction. What remains is the unconditionality of love emptiness as well as the somatization of this intimate vacuity. From listening to a fragmented and parodied discourse on love, the spectator moves on to the exhibition of interpersonal relationships of strong dependencies that most often manifest themselves through desire and acts of humiliation, revenge or even self-destruction. In extremis a last reflection on maternal love nevertheless saves the happiness of Barthes’ mythology.

How to Cite
ReyrolleS. “De La Destruction Du Discours Amoureux à Celle De l’individu : Jeux manétiens Entre poésies Du Mal d’amour Et scènes Du Mal De mère”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 14, Dec. 2021, pp. 117-34, doi:10.34929/sep.vi14.234.