Estereotipos hollywoodienses, no lugar y crisis matrimonial en la comedia romántica española Nuestros amantes

Keywords: Romantic Comedy, Manic Pixie Dream Girl, Grumpy Manic Dream Fellow, Hollywood, Non-place, Marriage


Since the beginning of the 21st century, the romantic comedy has undergone formal changes, promoted by the Hollywood industry, which have been reflected in the 2016 Spanish film Nuestros amantes, directed by Miguel Ángel Lamata. This cinematographic narrative, influenced by the independent Hollywood romantic comedy, reflects its conservatism, both in the stereotypes of its characters, and in its discourse, in which the instability of the present and the uncertainty of the future lead to an apparent devaluation of the idea of the stable couple institutionalized as the first end of romantic love, but not as the last end. Likewise, all this is located in the urban postmodern non-place, which serves as a context for both the questioning, recognition and maturation of individual and couple identity, as well as for the disconnection of the protagonists from the social, economic and political space in which they are vulnerable.

How to Cite
Caro GavilánJ. M. “Estereotipos Hollywoodienses, No Lugar Y Crisis Matrimonial En La Comedia romántica española Nuestros Amantes”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 14, Dec. 2021, pp. 135-56, doi:10.34929/sep.vi14.236.