Contrasexualidad y contratextualidad: el discurso amoroso en la narrativa gay

  • Florian Fraissard Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne
Keywords: Gay Studies, 21st Century, Love, Discourse, Literature


From the notions of « technology » and « countersexuality », we propose to study the literary representations of gay love’s discourse. This approach starts from the fact that the dominant love’s discourse functions as a technology that shapes the expression of love sentiment in a normative scenario. However, gay literature, by the very marginality of the desire it represents, breaks those heteronormative codes and produces new modalities of love expression that function as « countertechnologies ».

How to Cite
FraissardF. “Contrasexualidad Y Contratextualidad: El Discurso Amoroso En La Narrativa Gay”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 14, Dec. 2021, pp. 157-70, doi:10.34929/sep.vi14.237.