La féminisation de la langue en français québécois : historique et points sensibles

  • Mireille Elchacar Université TÉLUQ
Keywords: Feminization, Non-sexist communication, Québec French, 3rd pronoun


Québec is often looked upon as being at the forefront when it comes to the feminization of the French language. This does not mean that there was no discussion or challenge in the matter. This text proposes to look at the recent history of the feminization of titles and texts in Québec. It begins by exposing the context in which the need for feminization first manifested itself, then goes on to explain the propositions made by linguistic institutions, and the public’s reactions to those propositions. The study ends with in incursion into more recent and radical ideas: what is called “the rule of proximity” and a third personal pronoun.

How to Cite
ElchacarM. “La féminisation De La Langue En français québécois : Historique Et Points Sensibles”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 10, Oct. 2019, pp. 73-90, doi:10.34929/sep.vi10.60.