Information For Authors

Submission and selection procedure
When responding to calls for papers launched by the journal’s website, the authors submit their proposal as an attachment (.doc or .rtf file) accompanied by a brief biographical note mentioning their institutional affiliation, by sending it to and to the editors of the thematic issue. If the proposal is retained, the authors are given several months to write the full text and send it to and to the editors of the thematic issue. The article will then undergo a double-blind peer review process realized by at least two French or international experts, chosen by the issue’s editors. Once anonymized the review reports are sent to the article’s author(s). If modifications are necessary, the article may be sent back and forth between author(s) and reviewer(s) via the editor(s) until the potential acceptance of the article. The journal reserves the right to edit accepted manuscripts (e.g. language corrections, reference formatting and layout).

The journal also welcomes spontaneous contributions. In this case, the authors submit their article as an attachment (.doc or .rtf file) accompanied by a brief biographical note mentioning their institutional affiliation, by sending it to The article will then undergo a double-blind peer review process realized by at least two French or international experts, chosen by the journal’s editorial board. Once anonymized the review reports are sent to the article’s author(s). If modifications are necessary, the article may be sent back and forth between author(s) and reviewer(s) via the editor(s) until the potential acceptance of the article. The journal reserves the right to edit accepted manuscripts (e.g. language corrections, reference formatting and layout).

General norms of presentation

Articles should be submitted with 1.5 line spacing, in serif font (Times New Roman, Garamond), size 12 pts. Notes  should be footnotes (not endnotes) with single-line spacing, in serif font (Times New Roman, Garamond), size 10 pts and numbered consecutively. Quotations should be in standard roman characters. Quotations shorter than three lines should be integrated within the text and put between French quotation marks (« ») whatever the language. Quotations longer than three lines require block formatting and should be without quotation marks and indented on the left marginby 1,25 cm. The English translation of quotes in foreign languages should be provided in a footnote.

Italics should be reserved for titles of books and journals, isolated terms in foreign language, or to highlight a word or a sequence of words (in English or in another language). Interpolations (additions, omissions or modifications) of quotations should be indicated by square brackets [].

Centuries should be mentioned in Roman numerals and capital letters, followed by the word « Century » written in full : (e.g. XIV Century).

Capital letters should be accentuated.

Headings and subheadings should not be numbered and not be followed by a full stop (they may though be followed by exclamation marks, question marks or suspension points).

Double punctuation marks should be preceded by a non-breaking space and followed by a space. Simple punctuation marks should only be followed by a space.

Do not use footnotes in the article’s title or subtitle. All footnotes refer to the body of the text or, possibly, to the headings. Any acknowledgements should be mentioned in the first footnote of the article, at the end of the first sentence or clause.

Tabs should be avoided at the start of paragraphs.

Abstracts and keywords

The article should be accompanied by an abstract in French and in English.

In addition, the author should suggest five keywords in French and five keywords in English.


Illustrations should be in separate files, positive black and white or colour pictures, numbered and include a legend.

Resolution : 300 dpi.

Minimum format: 10 x 10 cms.

When possible, prefer large formats.

The author will provide the list of the copyright holders. It will be up to him to pay the appropriate vendor for the purchase of photographs or similar.

References in the body of the text

Any source should be mentioned in the following manner: name of the author in lowercase, [comma], date of publication, [colon], pages. Do not mention « p. » or « pp. » (e.g. Huxley, 1967 : 21-22).

In order to concatenate a series of references, separate them by a semicolon (e.g. Huxley, 1967 : 21-22 ; Cooper, 1987 : 21 ; Hawkins, 2001 : 190-92.).

If several works are published by the same author within the same year, distinguish them by adding a, b, c, etc. to the year of publication.

The full bibliographic details of the relevant work should be included in the bibliography at the end of the article. The bibliography should list the authors in alphabetical order (by name).



The following order and punctuation should be used: NAME, First name, Title, Place of publication, Editor, date of publication (e.g. LATOUR, Bruno, Politiques de la nature, Paris, Éditions la Découverte, 1999.).

In case of a collective work, the editor’s name should be followed by the abbreviation « ed. » (e.g. DUPONT, Michel, ed. : etc.).

In case the work has multiple authors or editors, please respect the following order: NAME, First name (author 1), NAME, First name (author 2), NAME, First name (author 3). When there are more than three authors, please add « et alii » in italics after author 3.

If several works are published by the same author within the same year, distinguish them by adding a, b, c, etc. to the year of publication, and list them in the following order (e.g. NAME, First name, Title, Place, Editor, 1989a ;  NAME, First name, Title 2, Place, Editor, 1989b ; NAME, First name, Title 3, Place, Editor, 1989c ; etc.).

Journal articles, Chapters in books

The following order should be used, depending on whether it is a book chapter or a journal article:

NAME, First name, « Title of the chapter », Book title, Place of publication, editor, date, pages.
NAME, First name, « Title of the article », Name of the journal, Volume, number, date, pages.
(e.g. BELTRAN, Evencio, « Jacques Legrand prédicateur », Analecta Augustiniana, 30, 1967, p. 148-209.)

If it is an excerpt from a collection, mention the name and first name of the editor(s) preceded by « ed. »:

(e.g. Bossé, Monika, « El sarao de María de Zayas: una razón (femenina) de contar el amor », éd.  Monika Bossé, Barabar Potthast, André Stoll, La creatividad femenina en el mundo barroco hispánico, Kassel, Reichenberger, 1999, 2 volumes. : 1, p. 239-299.)

Only use the abbreviation « p. » in front of page numbers.

Online documents

NAME, First name, (date of the last use of the given source): « Title ». Full URL/link to the website in question.

(e.g. RASTIER, François (last visited 10.10.1997): « Saussure et la science des textes ».