Former les interprètes de conférences ou comment éviter le casus belli

  • Catherine Gravet Université de Mons
Keywords: Conference Interpreting (Consecutive and simultaneous), Teaching Methods, Evaluation


To prepare the future interpreters, pedagogues have created a quite difficult exercise, a first step in the journey thanks to which students may become good professional interpreters. It is a sort of French-French consecutive interpretation exercise. As part of this course, during the second year at the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation – School of International Interpreters of the University of Mons in Belgium (master in 5 years), an analysis of the errors from the perspective of misunderstandings makes it possible to describe them, to identify the causes and consequences, to evaluate their importance and nature, to look for solutions, to improve the training of future interpreters whose working language is French.

How to Cite
GravetC. “Former Les interprètes De conférences Ou Comment éviter Le Casus Belli”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 05, Sept. 2016, pp. 53-66, doi:10.34929/sep.vi5.124.