La résolution des conflits de normes enseignée dans les écoles de l’Irlande médiévale

  • Christophe Archan Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Keywords: Customary Law, Ecclesiastical Legislation, Schools of Law, Legal Education, Judges, Poets, Marriage, Divorce, Conflicts of Norms, Polygamy, Hierarchy of Norms


In the 8th century, when Irish jurists draw up their great compilation (Senchas Már), they take particular care to explain to their scholars how the conflict between customary law and Church law was solved with the advent of Christianity (5th century). Thus, they reinvent history, placing the facts in Saint Patrick’s days. Actually, the Church has gradually developed its own law, which is bound to come into conflict with vernacular customary rules. For the new religion spreads itself in a society which does not turn its back on its judicial tradition conveyed by poets-judges. Then, the question of the part played by each of the two laws arises.

How to Cite
ArchanC. “La résolution Des Conflits De Normes enseignée Dans Les écoles De l’Irlande médiévale”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 03, June 2020, pp. 109-24, doi:10.34929/sep.vi03.47.