Una aproximación a la traducción musical en las dos primeras versiones al castellano de la ópera Carmen de Georges Bizet

  • Laura Santana Burgos Universidad de Granada
Keywords: Carmen (Opera), Georges Bizet, Musical Translation, Libretto/Textbook, Zarzuela


Bizet’s opera Carmen is illustrative of the intense translation activity carried out in opera throughout history in Europe. Few years after the Parisian premiere, it was translated into numerous languages. Notwithstanding, in Spain we had to wait until 1887 to be able to listen the first Carmen’s Spanish translation. It is worth stressing that the translation of a libretto involves inter-disciplinary research. In this paper, given the limits of space, we will analyse the musical translation. Musical translation is integrated, firstly, by the rythmical translation which comprises different strategies to adapt the singing text to the score, rhyme, accentuation and meter. Secondly and finally, we will conclude with a brief exposition of the consequences of translation for singing.

How to Cite
Santana BurgosL. “Una aproximación a La traducción Musical En Las Dos Primeras Versiones Al Castellano De La ópera Carmen De Georges Bizet”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 04, Sept. 2015, pp. 277-00, doi:10.34929/sep.vi04.80.